Over the past week, we’ve taken a lot of time to educate ourselves, and listen.
We are looking at ways we can engage using our reach & network of friends & drummers to make a positive impact. We want to be an ongoing meaningful resource.
Make no mistake, SJC DRUMS DOES NOT condone behavior that supports violence and brutality or racism in any way shape or form, and are proud to surround ourselves with so many people with the same mindset of equality and peace.
We understand that we have a platform here on social media and in the world, and it is our hope to use it in the most effective and respectful way to help empower this important message.
We want to evolve and create a better community together. We want to be respectful and authentic in how we approach all of this. We do not claim to know everything on the matter, we have a lot to do to educate ourselves to be the best people we can and offer strength to this powerful cause.
Our intention is to show support, continue to raise awareness, and offer a positive support system throughout the SJC family and music community as a whole. To promote equality.
There’s a lot of powerful things happening right now, it’s important to continue to look out for each other and continue to listen, educate and empower each other in the most positive way possible. Let’s unite with positivity. We are here for you and with you.
Thank you
SJC Drums
Emotional Manipulation bonds
Can we honestly agree that has been through some form of emotional manipulation in their life? What are the different signs of emotional manipulation and how can you tell? in this posting, let’s discuss emotional manipulation relationships and how it can affect you and your emotion.
What is emotional adjustment?
therefore, to begin, Emotional treatment is when a person manipluates another into a deep wish or want emotional state. this can be love, love, Or rage. the person who is [url=]moldova beauty[/url] doing the manipulating will use these desireable emotions in order to gain the resulting emotional energy.
you may be thinking, "incredible, how could anyone do such a thing, But legitimately, I personally feel like everyone nowadays has used emotional manipulation somewhere in their love life. And even if you did not realize it, reality is that you did. it’s not so much your fault, The way we humans are trained to [url=]moldova girls[/url] think is one reason why we very often think of ourselves and not others, Even if it is someone we cherish.
good, So if you the intemtional emotional manipulators? clearly, If you’re in a emotional manipulation relationship, Then your own home what to do. I am assuming that you want to emerge from this type of relationsip. come on, man, there isn’t butts about it. make!
If you are a person that is unsure of whether or not you are in a serious emotional manipulation relationship, There are a few signs you can look for that will trigger your brain into knowing you are a victim of this embarrasing type of relationtionship.
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