MAY 18, 2020

to the SJC family around the earth:
checking in from good old Dudley, MA. We kicked off the year with our funnest NAMM show yet - what a week in sunny California that was! The entire SJC team worked extremely hard to create and craft up some memorable drums, displays & events that were reminiscent of early days of SJC. after all, we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary of SJC Drums! wait.. how did that happen? I could have sworn we just closed up the bulkhead door to go down into our Grandma Judy’s basement to go eat lunch next door where we lived with our parents.. and check my e-mail in my office (i mean bedroom). That was over 10 years ago now, and all I can say is: THANK YOU. We get to create & craft DRUMS every day.. And we’re still doing it with the same intense passion and love for the instrument as we did 2 decades ago when we started as a hobby.
Sure, we’ve experienced some growing pains along the way [🤯🤯🤯] - but I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. We’re so lucky to be able to have experienced so much of the world and met so many incredible people who motivate & inspire us every single day. I am blown away by the SJC family - the support you give us and each other is infectious, and I am blessed. A few months ago in January, I watched a few hundred SJC family meet at our NAMM after-show @ Chain Reaction and it was like you all had been personal friends who hung out together every day for years. Some had SJC tattoos, some showed me my first business card they held on to for 10+ years, some had the first t-shirt we ever made, and some just joined the family that night. THAT is why we do this - that feeling you get when you’re a part of something. I wanted that so bad when I was a pre-teen.. To feel part of a “scene” in the music world where I felt accepted, encouraged, and cool. The fact that SJC has become that for so many people around the world (all with different ages, genders, beliefs, and styles) blows my mind. Again & again: THANK YOU 🙏
I need to take a moment to shout out & thank all the incredible people that have shared their passion, energy, and time to create SJC internally. We’ve had some amazing people working on the nuts and bolts inside SJC over the years, and each and every one of them has added some flavor and flare to the core of who & what we are. Thank you to anyone who has been employed by SJC Drums, interned, donated time and advice - thank you for believing in this and sharing your passion, skills and hard work.
Now on to some current events. This isn’t how any of us imagined 2020 to start. A brand new decade with fresh perspectives, right? Although we can’t live our daily lives the same, we can still find time to reflect, strategize, and rebuild. Music isn’t going away, so take advantage of the opportunities to reconnect with your passion. The world will most certainly be different when we can peek out again, and it’s an opportunity to do things different. Let’s pay it forward more than ever from now on.
As I reflect on the last 20 years, I feel immense gratitude for everyone who we’ve come in contact with. I’m inspired by all of you - the positive attitude and incredible music you all create is a force to be reckoned with, and I consider myself the luckiest person in the world to be part of this with you. We are here for you, with you, and because of you. And I promise, that won’t change. We’ve got some really exciting things we’re “drumming up” in our home offices (back to the home office like back in the day!) and we can’t wait to share them all with you.
Stay healthy & take care of yourselves, your family & friends.
Thank you all.
Mike Ciprari
Co-founder, SJC Custom Drums