11/31/18: Educator Exclusive: SJC Drums & D'Addario Percussion Giveaway

Teachers are important to us and we want to support you! To help support those who support the future of music, SJC Drums has partnered with D’Addario to offer teachers an exclusive prize giveaway.
From now until December 21st, when you register for the D'Addario Education Collective you are automatically in the running to win one of three exciting prize packs below valued at over $2,000.
So, if you're an educator in the percussion space, please enter below!
1 Comment
This would help my students so much!! I play gretsch and they all think it’s boring and old… so I got a Ludwig and honestly they don’t like it and I dont either. Letting my students play on an SJC kit would make them want to play more and feel inspired behind the kit. My students love TØP and ADTR and all the bands alike that play on SJC. This would be huge for them! Thanks for the consideration!!