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      All drums below are available to all US dealers
      unless otherwise noted as exclusive to a specific dealer or country.

      If your favorite shop doesn't have the product you're looking for,
      please ask them to get in touch with their Hal Leonard rep!

      All drums below are available to all US dealers unless otherwise noted as exclusive to a specific dealer or country.

      If your favorite shop doesn't have the product you're looking for, please ask them to get in touch with their
      Hal Leonard rep!

      M5 + M7 Maple shells with hand cut 45° edges    •    Various Satin Finishes •    Chrome Hardware
      SJC Shield lugs    •    Double Ended Tube Lugs on Snares     •    Wood Badges    •    Evans Drum Heads
      3pc Shell pack: 8x12 Rack, 16x16 Floor, 18x22 Kick    •     6.5x14 Snare   •   4x20 UFO    •    Add-ons: 7x10 Rack, 16x18 Floor, 18x22 Kick

      Tour Series
      T22K322MBCH_Tour Series 3pc 8x12 16x16 18x22, Matte Black, Chrome Hdw.jpg__PID:478ce75b-1c70-4954-879c-85f80bfeaffb
      Basil Kit.jpg__PID:d8d83274-478c-475b-9c70-b954879c85f8
      Tuscan Red Kit.jpg__PID:879c85f8-0bfe-4ffb-b8d9-c25830c5b19e
      Dark Harbor_3pc Kit.jpg__PID:03708be1-dbb8-4736-986c-4f5058dee253
      Antique White Kit.jpg__PID:d8327447-8ce7-4b1c-b0b9-54879c85f80b
      autumn hunter_kit.jpg__PID:4b03708b-e1db-48f7-b6d8-6c4f5058dee2
      T22S6514NACH_Tour Series 6.5x14 Snare, Natural, Chrome Hdw.jpg__PID:85f80bfe-affb-48d9-8258-30c5b19ec6c5
      Layer 1.jpg__PID:5b1c70b9-5487-4c85-b80b-feaffb38d9c2
      Basil Snare.jpg__PID:63d8d832-7447-4ce7-9b1c-70b954879c85
      Tuscan Red Snare.jpg__PID:cc1c63d8-d832-4447-8ce7-5b1c70b95487
      Dark Harbor_Snare.jpg__PID:7fc2753c-5b93-4cfb-b0a5-ae9c645c3287
      Antique White Snare.jpg__PID:3274478c-e75b-4c70-b954-879c85f80bfe
      Autum Hunter Snare.jpg__PID:da7fc275-3c5b-438c-bb30-a5ae9c645c32
      T22UFO420NACH_Tour Series 4x20 UFO, Natural, Chrome Hdw.jpg__PID:f80bfeaf-fb38-49c2-9830-c5b19ec6c58e
      T22UFO420MBCH_Tour Series 4x20 UFO, Matte Black, Chrome Hdw.jpg__PID:1c70b954-879c-45f8-8bfe-affb38d9c258
      T22UFO420BACHGC Basil_Tour Series_4x20 UFO.jpg__PID:b49df08e-9961-41f4-922b-74005983fbdb
      T22UFO420TRCHGC Tuscan Red_Tour Series_4x20 UFO.jpg__PID:8e996161-f452-4b74-8059-83fbdb5a0b78
      T22UFO420AWCHGC Antique White_Tour Series_4x20 UFO.jpg__PID:eb08b49d-f08e-4961-a1f4-522b74005983
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      Autumn all add-ons.jpg__PID:cce603cc-dbf5-4185-89db-4991211e4ed0

      Featuring the same integrity and status as our made-to-order custom shop drums but on a touring drummer's schedule and budget.

      Equipped with our iconic shield badges and lugs, every drum is tuned up and tested to perfection with Evans USA drumheads.

      Easy to tune and stay in tune while cutting through the mix.

      Hand cut 45-degree edges on our M5/M7 shells offer a pure, powerful tone and crisp, cutting projection that are the favorite of the SJC family.

      Powerful and punchy tone with the perfect amount of focus and resonance.

      Perfect for all skill levels and scenarios: from the studio, practice space or on the road

      Tour Series Icons.jpg__PID:da8f8f4f-b8e3-4751-ae00-99a8c5843e65

      Gig after gig, session after session, the Tour Series is rugged and built to last.

      Featuring our most popular specs, the Tour Series are handcrafted in the same Massachusetts factory, by the same passionate craftsmen as our custom shop and is a must have for players of all styles and skill levels.

      Whether you’re hitting the road in a hatchback, tour bus, practice space or studio, SJC’s proprietary M5/M7 Maple shells with hand cut 45 degree bearing edges will deliver a sought after versatile and focused tone with plenty of full body attack and resonance.

      Featuring a silky matte black finish or hand rubbed natural satin finish, chrome hardware, and topped off with wood badges, these drums pack a classic and unique vibe.

      Get ready to hit the road

      6-ply Maple/Hybrid Shells w/ Double 45° Bearing Edges    •    Various Wrap Finishes •    Textured Black Hardware
      SJC Shield Lugs    •    Double Ended Tube Lugs on Snares    •    Metal Badges    •    Evans Drum Heads
      3pc Shell pack: 8x12 Rack, 14x16 Floor, 18x22 Kick    •     6.5x14 Snare   •     Add-ons: 7x10 Rack, 14x14 Floor

      6-ply Maple/Hybrid Shells
      Double 45° Bearing Edges
      Various Wrap Finishes
      extured Black Hardware
      SJC Shield Lugs
      Double Ended Tube Lugs on Snares
      Metal Badges
      Evans Drum Heads
      3pc Kit: 8x12 Rack, 14x16 Floor, 18x22 Kick
      6.5x14 Snare
      Add-ons: 7x10 Rack, 14x14 Floor

      PFK322FBGGW_Pathfinder 3pc Kit (8x12,14x16,18x22) Galaxy Grey, Black HW.jpg__PID:38d9c258-30c5-419e-86c5-8e813337539b
      PFK322FBPGW_Pathfinder 3pc Kit (8x12,14x16,18x22) Purple Glimmer, Black HW.jpg__PID:30c5b19e-c6c5-4e81-b337-539bfb5c1675
      PFK322FBCBW_Pathfinder 3pc Kit (8x12,14x16,18x22) Carribean Blue, Black HW.jpg__PID:0bfeaffb-38d9-4258-b0c5-b19ec6c58e81
      Cosmic Mint_3pc Shell Pack.jpg__PID:0d3cfda7-100f-45f7-a4cd-02abbb712fd1
      Sublime Lime_3pc Shell Pack.jpg__PID:20920d3c-fda7-400f-85f7-24cd02abbb71
      Mad Magenta_3pc Shell Pack.jpg__PID:920d3cfd-a710-4f45-b724-cd02abbb712f
      PFS6514FBGGW_Pathfinder Snare Drum 6.5x14 Galaxy Grey, Black HW.jpg__PID:a5373307-639c-4862-b8ba-cbfdee39cceb
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      PFS6514FBPGW_Pathfinder Snare Drum 6.5x14 Purple Glimmer, Black HW.jpg__PID:0c501a94-a537-4307-a39c-c862b8bacbfd
      PFS6514FBCBW_Pathfinder Snare Drum 6.5x14 Caribbean Blue, Black HW.jpg__PID:639cc862-b8ba-4bfd-ae39-cceb2a3c0562
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      Sublime Lime_6.5x14 Snare.jpg__PID:340c501a-94a5-4733-8763-9cc862b8bacb
      Mad Magenta_6.5x14 Snare.jpg__PID:94a53733-0763-4cc8-a2b8-bacbfdee39cc
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      Purple all add-ons.jpg__PID:e19a4bb4-d824-442a-8a12-2cafda0b7cef
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      Cosmic all add-ons.jpg__PID:24242a4a-122c-4fda-8b7c-ef759fd45b11
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      Mad all add-ons.jpg__PID:4bb4d824-242a-4a12-acaf-da0b7cef759f

      Suited for all playing styles, the Pathfinder boasts professional size options with eye-catching finishes on durable Maple/Hybrid shells that offer versatile tuning ranges with a full body attack.

      Topped off with heavy duty black textured hardware, The Pathfinder offers a distinct look and feel to stand out from the crowd both sonically and visually.

      Suited for all playing styles, the Pathfinder boasts professional size options with eye-catching finishes on durable Maple/Hybrid shells that offer versatile tuning ranges with a full body attack.

      Topped off with heavy duty black textured hardware, The Pathfinder offers a distinct look and feel to stand out from the crowd both sonically and visually.



      SJC is all about connecting the dots AND creating a platform for the next generation.The SJC Family is comprised of wickedly talented musicians who have proven time and time again that there's nothing else on the planet like it.Aside from actually playing SJC Drums, being a part of the family is another experience in its own right.



      The Pathfinder series is the canvas, and you are the artwork.. the main event.An insatiable dream to perfect your craft and express your unique style will drive you to truly make it your own.We'll provide the drums, you bring the passion.



      We're here to support you as you embark on your journey to drumming greatness.From backyards to backstage, The Pathfinder Series can help you find and forge your unique place in this world as a drummer.Carving this path isn’t always easy, but it's always worth it. You find a way, no matter what lies ahead, and in time you realize you can achieve anything you set your mind to.


      At SJC Drums, we're all about paving the way for the next generation of musicians, so we're excited to launch not only our revamped Pathfinder Series, but also our first ever commercial!Inspiration and support for young talent is essential, and the Pathfinder Series is more than just an instrument; it also serves as a key to unlocking a world of creativity, self-expression, and musical exploration.

      Music has the power to provide community, motiviation and inspiration, and we recognize the significance of offering a reliable, high-quality instrument for drummers to unleash their potential.This drum set is more than just a collection of shells and hardware; it's a gateway to building discipline, confidence, and a lifelong passion for music. It provides a platform for creatives to express themselves, connect with others, and be a part of a global community of musicians.


      As part of the re-launch, we're stoked to unveil our first legit commercial that underscores the importance of supporting and paying attention to the next generation of musicians.

      The commercial tells the story of a young teen (Cannon) who gets inspired to pick up his first pair of sticks after watching another drummer's video (featuring #SJCFamily Jay Weinberg of Slipknot).With the support of his mom, Cannon gets his very own SJC Pathfinder drum set and embarks on a creative journey unlike any other.

      It is important to us to highlight the extremely important role parents/supporters play and the profound impact it can have on our next generation of musicians.In a world where distractions are aplenty, let us be reminded that investing in the dreams of our youth is an investment in the future of music itself. For us here at SJC, it is more than selling a drum set, it's about investing in the dreams of the next generation of musicians and creatives alike who will carry the rhythm forward.

      Various Metal Shells with Rolled Edges    •    6.5x14 •    2.3mm Hoops    •    Double Ended Tube Lugs    •    Metal Badges
      Evans Drum Heads     •   Drop Style Throw Off    •    20 Strand Snare Wires

      Various Metal Shells with Rolled Edges 
      2.3mm Hoops
      Double Ended Tube Lugs
      Metal Badges
      Evans Drum Heads
      Drop Style Throw Off
      20 Strand Snare Wires

      ALHB226514TCH_Alpha Brass Snare.jpg__PID:41de3d47-e338-42fa-953e-702388402e77
      ALHC226514TC_Alpha Copper Snare.jpg__PID:de3d47e3-38a2-4a55-be70-2388402e77d0
      ALBK226514TCH_Alpha Black Steel Snare.jpg__PID:3d47e338-a2fa-453e-b023-88402e77d056
      ALA226514TCH_Alpha Aluminum Snare.jpg__PID:47e338a2-fa55-4e70-a388-402e77d0560d
      Alpha Aluminum_Reso.jpg__PID:6665e64b-2cc2-433c-8374-031748fab2af


      Enhanced body, sharper attack and maximum sensitivity: The Alpha Aluminum snare is the perfect choice for any player seeking dynamic tone and response. you’ll be sure to get that extreme crack that’s perfect from hip-hop to metal or that beefy low end for rock and everything in between.

      Alpha Brass_Reso.jpg__PID:65e64b2c-c213-4c03-b403-1748fab2afca


      Unparalleled both sonically and aesthetically.this versatile snare drum offers the rich low-end of a wooden snare with a generous amount of sensitivity and crack for any playing style.

      Alpha Copper_Reso.jpg__PID:e64b2cc2-133c-4374-8317-48fab2afca86


      unparalleled both sonically and aesthetically.this versatile snare drum offers the rich low-end of a wooden snare with a generous amount of sensitivity and crack for any playing style.

      Alpha Steel Black_Reso.jpg__PID:4b2cc213-3c03-4403-9748-fab2afca8615


      Versatile and dynamic: The Alpha Steel Black is a great choice for any player seeking bold and brilliant tone at an affordable price point.crisp highs with an aggressive attack to let you cut through any mix from the studio to the stage. this snare cuts through the mix with ease no matter your playing style or preferred setup and compliments any color kit.

      Alpha Icons.jpg__PID:44c7f647-3e98-43b8-ab05-59177e03ccc8

      M5 + M7 Maple shells with hand cut 45° edges    •    Gloss Marble Wrap Finishes •    Brass Hardware
      SJC Shield lugs    •    Double Ended Tube Lugs on Snares     •    Brass Badges    •    Evans Drum Heads
      3pc Shell pack: 8x12 Rack, 16x16 Floor, 18x22 Kick    •     6x14 Snare   •    Add-ons: 7x10 Rack, 16x18 Floor

      M5 + M7 Maple shells
      Hand Cut 45° edges
      Gloss Marble Wrap Finishes
      Brass Hardware
      SJC Shield lugs
      Double Ended Tube Lugs on Snares
      Brass Badges
      Evans Drum Heads
      3pc Kit: 8x12 Rack, 16x16 Floor, 18x22 Kick
      6x14 Snare
      Add-ons: 7x10 Rack, 16x18 Floor

      Prov Calcutta Kit.jpg__PID:453103f6-6133-4ed0-9f34-e314d8754247
      Prov Obsidian Kit.jpg__PID:61337ed0-1f34-4314-9875-424799c94104
      Prov Calcutta Snare.jpg__PID:03f66133-7ed0-4f34-a314-d875424799c9
      Prov Obsidian Snare.jpg__PID:7ed01f34-e314-4875-8247-99c94104c75a
      Prov Calcutta Add-ons.jpg__PID:66b80e71-961e-412c-b3a4-346d6af9d744
      Prov Obsidian Add-ons.jpg__PID:b80e7196-1ed1-4cf3-a434-6d6af9d74483




      Prov Calcutta Rack.jpg__PID:3103f661-337e-401f-b4e3-14d875424799


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      Prov Calcutta Rack.jpg__PID:3103f661-337e-401f-b4e3-14d875424799


      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare
      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare
      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare
      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare
      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare
      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare
      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare

      LTD QTY Goliath Bell Brass 7x14 Snare

      $ 1,299.99

      SJC’s most popular snare drum to date: The Goliath snare drum embodies the most powerful and dynamic tones you’ll ever lay into. Featuring a 3mm brushed bell brass shell, topped off with single tube lugs, you can literally feel the weight and punch when you dig into it yet also produces a smooth, sensitive response when you need to hear those ghost notes. Unparalleled sound makes the Goliath a must-have for any studio or stage.


      • 7x14
      • 3mm Brushed Bell Brass shell
      • Chrome Hardware
      • Singe Tube Lugs
      • 2.3mm Hoops
      • Drop Style Throwoff
      • 20 strand Snare Wires
      • Evans Hydraulic Black coated batter head





      Prov Calcutta Rack.jpg__PID:3103f661-337e-401f-b4e3-14d875424799

